Top 10k strings from Red Door (1988)(Tartan Software)[a2].z80
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3 r$(j)="Surely not!": 3 no=(MOB+g) 2 r$(j)="You see some silkworms eating": 2 r$(j)="There are no stairs here!": 2 r$(j)="It now appears to be firmly shut": 2 r$(j)="Hasn't done much good!": 2 r$(j)="Green and eerie!": 2 EXHAUSTED! 2 (f+aa)=j)) 2 You are part-way along a dark 1 with what looks like a 1 velvet, and magical 1 u,a;"Press a key to start again.": 1 to be empty--it does look as 1 the north and south 1 strains of solemn music can 1 so you pick it up. 1 slimy ramp leads up from the 1 replacing my lost 1 r$(x,j)="*" 1 r$(j)="Your advances are rebuffed!": 1 r$(j)="You've managed to catch one.": 1 r$(j)="You've had your rations!": 1 r$(j)="You've already visited both!": 1 r$(j)="You're just making a ROD for": 1 r$(j)="You're a bit previous!": 1 r$(j)="You try your best stories but": 1 r$(j)="You see plants and flowers.": 1 r$(j)="You must not waste time talking.": 1 r$(j)="You must do better than that!": 1 r$(j)="You hear the chanting of the": 1 r$(j)="You have no weapon!": 1 r$(j)="You have no PIPE!": 1 r$(j)="You have no KEY!": 1 r$(j)="You find some navel FLUFF!": 1 r$(j)="You filled it!": 1 r$(j)="You feel the outline of a slot!": 1 r$(j)="You disturb the haystack and a": 1 r$(j)="You couldn't carry ALL that!": 1 r$(j)="You collect a handful of HAY.": 1 r$(j)="You can't reach it!": 1 r$(j)="You can't quite reach them.": 1 r$(j)="You can't go THAT way!": 1 r$(j)="You are quite dazzled by it's": 1 r$(j)="With what?": 1 r$(j)="What navel did that fall out of?": 1 r$(j)="What a strange request! You must": 1 r$(j)="Well done! you have now made a": 1 r$(j)="Waken up! Faint solemn music.": 1 r$(j)="Unusual etchings here.": 1 r$(j)="Try an udder idea!": 1 r$(j)="Those could be made into": 1 r$(j)="They look rather sad!": 1 r$(j)="They look quite bright!": 1 r$(j)="They lead UP and no more DOWN!": 1 r$(j)="They don't go up from here!": 1 r$(j)="They don't go down from here!": 1 r$(j)="They display some beautifully": 1 r$(j)="They are not locked.": 1 r$(j)="They are in striking colours.": 1 r$(j)="They appear somewhat dangerous!": 1 r$(j)="There's nobody here!": 1 r$(j)="There's an empty BOX on it.": 1 r$(j)="There's a spider's web there.": 1 r$(j)="There's a gold slot in it! Ah,": 1 r$(j)="There's a fly on it!": 1 r$(j)="There's a SNAKE in it!": 1 r$(j)="There is a flash of 1 r$(j)="There are plants, flowers and": 1 r$(j)="The zodiac signs are all over...": 1 r$(j)="The spider takes the fly, and": 1 r$(j)="The soothsayer is overwhelmed by": 1 r$(j)="The light from the fire only": 1 r$(j)="The heat from the fire gives": 1 r$(j)="The cow won't let you!": 1 r$(j)="The cow rises to eat the HAY and": 1 r$(j)="The chanting is cheerful now!": 1 r$(j)="The Soothsayer frowns at you so": 1 r$(j)="The SPHINX smiles an inscrutable": 1 r$(j)="The MUMMY shouts ""That is not": 1 r$(j)="The MUMMY says ""Don't GIVE me": 1 r$(j)="The MUMMY nods his bandages in": 1 r$(j)="The MUMMY is singing CHEEK TO": 1 r$(j)="The MUMMY asks ""Do I look like": 1 r$(j)="The Concubine smiles at you and": 1 r$(j)="The BOX unlocks. Inside you see": 1 r$(j)="The Anubis manages to avoid you!": 1 r$(j)="The ANUBIS won't permit that!": 1 r$(j)="The ANUBIS blocks your way.": 1 r$(j)="That's too general GENERAL!": 1 r$(j)="That's really milking it!": 1 r$(j)="That's not for you!": 1 r$(j)="That would be stealing!": 1 r$(j)="That pile could hardly be called": 1 r$(j)="That haystack is NOT a pile!": 1 r$(j)="That doesn't SUIT you!": 1 r$(j)="That could seriously damage a": 1 r$(j)="That cloth is not ready for": 1 r$(j)="Talking to yourself is the first": 1 r$(j)="Talking to yourself is a sure": 1 r$(j)="THOTH would like a GOLD garment!": 1 r$(j)="THAT coin gets you some KOHL": 1 r$(j)="Still dangerous!": 1 r$(j)="Still a trace of a smile there!": 1 r$(j)="Slimy snakes are all over it.": 1 r$(j)="She's not here now!": 1 r$(j)="She's not here at the moment!": 1 r$(j)="She's much too heavy for you!": 1 r$(j)="She's already been fed!": 1 r$(j)="She is not for getting!": 1 r$(j)="She doesn't fancy THAT food!": 1 r$(j)="Persian design with a cow on it.": 1 r$(j)="Perhaps a good 1 r$(j)="Peacock blue and acid yellow!": 1 r$(j)="Pay attention! It's BLACK!": 1 r$(j)="Pass 1 r$(j)="One of the snakes slithers up": 1 r$(j)="On reflection, it's probably to": 1 r$(j)="On it are the weaponss of a": 1 r$(j)="Old BONEY will not comply!": 1 r$(j)="OK. You take a handful of HAY": 1 r$(j)="OK. That seamed like a good idea": 1 r$(j)="OK. That could be useful as the": 1 r$(j)="Now, now ! Don't be silly! There": 1 r$(j)="Nothing special can be heard.": 1 r$(j)="Note this 1 r$(j)="Not even the glimmer of a smile!": 1 r$(j)="Not behind the 1 r$(j)="North or south to find out!": 1 r$(j)="None of that variety here.": 1 r$(j)="No-one here by that name!": 1 r$(j)="No expense was spared to furnish": 1 r$(j)="NO violence please!": 1 r$(j)="Munch, munch , munch!": 1 r$(j)="Magical but not necessarily": 1 r$(j)="Looks rather unfriendly!": 1 r$(j)="Looks rather anxious as the web": 1 r$(j)="Looks like a FLY-BY-NIGHT!": 1 r$(j)="Looks interesting. How about": 1 r$(j)="Looks as though it may have": 1 r$(j)="Looks as though it could do": 1 r$(j)="Looks a bit special!": 1 r$(j)="Like that used by Snakecharmers.": 1 r$(j)="Let's leave it in the basket!": 1 r$(j)="Just what you would expect!": 1 r$(j)="Just fluffy FLUFF!": 1 r$(j)="Just common or garden varieties!": 1 r$(j)="It's very elegant and would not": 1 r$(j)="It's too heavy for you.": 1 r$(j)="It's too FLUFFY to collect.": 1 r$(j)="It's the pits! (Thanks John Mac)": 1 r$(j)="It's shrouded in mystery!": 1 r$(j)="It's quite, quite too heavy!!": 1 r$(j)="It's quite small as haystacks go": 1 r$(j)="It's open.": 1 r$(j)="It's open!": 1 r$(j)="It's not yet completed and NO": 1 r$(j)="It's not very special.": 1 r$(j)="It's not very special, but on": 1 r$(j)="It's not smiling! Perhaps it": 1 r$(j)="It's not for your ears!": 1 r$(j)="It's not as easy as that!": 1 r$(j)="It's just an untidy pile now!": 1 r$(j)="It's in the basket.": 1 r$(j)="It's firmly fixed to the plinth.": 1 r$(j)="It's firmly fixed to the floor.": 1 r$(j)="It's charming!": 1 r$(j)="It's beautifully carved and it": 1 r$(j)="It's an untidy pile of hay.": 1 r$(j)="It's BATTY BAT from GREEN DOOR": 1 r$(j)="It would grace any parlour.": 1 r$(j)="It wasn't easy! But it's done.": 1 r$(j)="It stares at you and pricks up": 1 r$(j)="It makes a lovely adornment.": 1 r$(j)="It looks just like a TOKEN! I": 1 r$(j)="It jumps up to sing: 1 r$(j)="It is too quick for you.": 1 r$(j)="It is smaller than the one on": 1 r$(j)="It is all in secured cases.": 1 r$(j)="It is NEARLY fit for a GOD!": 1 r$(j)="It doesn't look very special.": 1 r$(j)="In this part of the garden some": 1 r$(j)="I think the CATCH is now over": 1 r$(j)="How about threading the needle?": 1 r$(j)="Hello to you!": 1 r$(j)="Heady but nice!": 1 r$(j)="He's too heavy for you!": 1 r$(j)="He's not too keen on that idea!": 1 r$(j)="He's not here now!": 1 r$(j)="He's much too heavy for you!": 1 r$(j)="He's lying there 1 r$(j)="He is a very strange figure, but": 1 r$(j)="Good quality animal feedstuff.": 1 r$(j)="Fit for a GOD.": 1 r$(j)="Even you will need some SCISSORS": 1 r$(j)="Even you are not able to do that": 1 r$(j)="Empty, plain empty!": 1 r$(j)="Elegant, tall, grooved and slim": 1 r$(j)="Down! It's just DOWN! Try UP now": 1 r$(j)="Don't think there is a pop group": 1 r$(j)="Don't be nosey anymore!": 1 r$(j)="Doesn't look very appetising.": 1 r$(j)="Do you think that was wise?": 1 r$(j)="Covered in black velvet.": 1 r$(j)="Colourful but quite ordinary!": 1 r$(j)="Can't see very much from here.": 1 r$(j)="But you have NO thread!": 1 r$(j)="But you can't understand them!": 1 r$(j)="But you are IN it!": 1 r$(j)="But what prompted that?": 1 r$(j)="But there's no-one here!": 1 r$(j)="But she is not here!": 1 r$(j)="But she does'nt like that idea!": 1 r$(j)="Bronze is NOT good enough!": 1 r$(j)="Both N and S before W!": 1 r$(j)="As you've been south already": 1 r$(j)="As you've been north already": 1 r$(j)="As you reach out it flits about": 1 r$(j)="As you catch the snake in the": 1 r$(j)="Aries, Pisces, Capricorn etc!": 1 r$(j)="Apparently made of silver, but": 1 r$(j)="Apologies from authors!" 1 r$(j)="Although it is empty it is still": 1 r$(j)="A navel-shaped RUBY falls out!": 1 r$(j)="24 on the rabbit scale!": 1 r$(j)="""WE are not amused!"" is the": 1 r$(j)="""That's me!"" says the spider!": 1 r$(j)="""I've heard that one"" says 1 r$(j)="""I like being examined!""she says": 1 r$(c)="Or even FLUID if you prefer!": 1 r$(c)="JUG in a dark corner.": 1 r$(b)="then lies down again 1 r$(b)="something falling at your feet": 1 r$(b)="pool contains embalming flluid!": 1 r$(b)="place as water.": 1 r$(b)="of the bushes is a MULBERRY bush": 1 r$(b)="it up you drop the KEY.": 1 r$(b)="hairy legs and answers to Ernie!": 1 r$(b)="given some 1 r$(b)="fact that they are unlocked.": 1 r$(b)="destined for you!": 1 r$(b)="collapses into an untidy pile.": 1 r$(b)="When he has gone you notice a": 1 r$(b)="Well, it's a change from KILROY!": 1 r$(b)="THREAD 1 r$(b)="I require I'll reward you well.""": 1 r$(b)="Don't answer THAT!": 1 r$(b)="CHARM which drops at your feet.": 1 r$(a)="your own back!": 1 r$(a)="your generosity and gives you a": 1 r$(a)="your advantage to know that the": 1 r$(a)="you see a 1 r$(a)="you decide to drop that idea!": 1 r$(a)="you can't raise a smile.": 1 r$(a)="without a threaded needle!": 1 r$(a)="with an ornate BOX on it.": 1 r$(a)="with a big feed!": 1 r$(a)="why not go south now?": 1 r$(a)="why not go north now?": 1 r$(a)="to be able to do that!": 1 r$(a)="there's the RUB!": 1 r$(a)="the stones a strange magic glow.": 1 r$(a)="the ramp to be at your feet!": 1 r$(a)="the bronze TOKEN vibrates!": 1 r$(a)="the Embankment! SEW what!": 1 r$(a)="the ABRACADABRA type!": 1 r$(a)="soothsayer.": 1 r$(a)="something quite interesting!": 1 r$(a)="smile but the joke KILLS the fly":: 1 r$(a)="signs of something 1 r$(a)="sign of something 1 r$(a)="sewing yet!": 1 r$(a)="says the SPHINX.": 1 r$(a)="right place may help.": 1 r$(a)="rewards you with some PERFUME.": 1 r$(a)="response to that idea!": 1 r$(a)="reflective beauty, but it's not": 1 r$(a)="reflection, the pool might be!!": 1 r$(a)="raiment fit for a 1 r$(a)="quite beautiful.": 1 r$(a)="perhaps more important is the": 1 r$(a)="opening it?": 1 r$(a)="needle falls out as the haystack": 1 r$(a)="magic powers! There's the RUB!": 1 r$(a)="liquid is 1 r$(a)="leaves and making very fine": 1 r$(a)="leaves and having a party!!": 1 r$(a)="lady's beautifying armoury!": 1 r$(a)="its ears.": 1 r$(a)="is securely locked!": 1 r$(a)="is not finished. Has short,fat,": 1 r$(a)="is a snake in it!": 1 r$(a)="impressive jewellery.": 1 r$(a)="helps to convey the magic aura.": 1 r$(a)="he could be of some assistance": 1 r$(a)="have been put UP to it!": 1 r$(a)="from the grateful Concubine!": 1 r$(a)="flies have been caught in it.": 1 r$(a)="don't see any CATCH in that!": 1 r$(a)="doesn't like that fly there!": 1 r$(a)="called BAND AGES!": 1 r$(a)="but you still can't lift it!": 1 r$(a)="but returns to the nose position": 1 r$(a)="bushes here. You notice that one": 1 r$(a)="beetles off to enjoy the treat!": 1 r$(a)="be used for anything as common-": 1 r$(a)="basket, you notice it had a": 1 r$(a)="are of the MULBERRY variety!": 1 r$(a)="anything! When you have ALL that": 1 r$(a)="and the haystack collapses with": 1 r$(a)="and decorate in here.": 1 r$(a)="an adventure on SIX-in-ONE.": 1 r$(a)="allowed in my presence!""": 1 r$(a)="a chummy way!": 1 r$(a)="a BRACELET. As you hastily scoop": 1 r$(a)="The carpet not the design!": 1 r$(a)="MUMMY'S health! (only joking!)": 1 r$(a)="Lets not tempt fate!": 1 r$(a)="I would much prefer some action!": 1 r$(a)="CHEEK! 1 r$(a)="Boris Karloff!!!""": 1 q,n;"The case opens and you fall out 1 prominent feature here is a 1 possessions 1 pair of closed, silver doors. 1 other key for SAVE to Tape. 1 on the carpet.": 1 no>(MOB+g)) 1 no=no-MOB: 1 narrow corridor, towards the 1 n;" Then you BLACK out! " 1 n,n;"You enter what appears to be an EGYPTIAN tomb. Light comes from flickering torches affixed to the walls. Ancient carvings 1 my tomb and left me like this 1 may let you escape. To show 1 l,q;"WELL DONE!"; 1 l,n;"You open your eyes....Everythingis blurred and your mind is 1 l,n;" The ANUBIS rolls about on the floor and you are able to dodge through the silver doors!": 1 l,j;"That pool is full of embalming fluid! You are now in no state to carry on with your quest.": 1 j;" HAPPY DREAMS ": 1 is now COMPLETELY EMPTY 1 in gold on the ceiling. The 1 i;t$;"* You're in the SNAKE PIT with ** these poisonous snakes 1 i;t$;"* You have come down, down, ** down, into a room full of ** 1 i;'';"The MUMMY takes from you:"''"the BRACELET of red gold"'"the ornate NECKLACE"'"the exotic PERFUME"'"and the adorning KOHL."''"She thanks you profusely and before she runs off she tells you a rather funny JOKE!": 1 i;"The MUMMY takes from you:"''"the JUG of embalming fluid"'"the funeral FOOD"'"the snake-shaped CHARM"'"and the BANDAGES."''"He thanks you profusely and runsoff. You now notice the CLOTH ofgold which falls off the slab ashe disappears.": 1 i;"THOTH takes the GIFT and smiles!": 1 i;"OK..You now have some bandages!": 1 i;" Press a key to continue ": 1 heartless, here is a pair of 1 have been missed by the vandals, 1 hTREASiABRACjGLASSkHELP 1 green glow 1 golden Throne 1 golden SCISSORS 1 glass cases there is on show 1 g;'" Your head is spinning around ": 1 g;" You turn off the computer and 1 g;" You find yourself on the floor 1 g;" As your eyes become accustomed to the fire light, you see a Soothsayer sitting at the far end of the room. He is swaying gently from side to side as he chants strange words and music.": 1 find useful. NOW GO! This 1 embalming fluid! 1 corridor, near the west end. 1 coming from a small haystack 1 coming from a pile of hay. 1 cave than a room. The most 1 c,a;"In front of you there is a";''': 1 bitten on the wrist! By 1 at her dressing table. 1 are unable to pursue your task! 1 any other key for LOAD from Tape 1 and intertwine. A winding, 1 af;"*";t$'' 1 adornments. 1 acid yellow. 1 ab,g;"Press a key to start": 1 a;" You see RED! " 1 a;" RED DOOR " 1 ^PARLO_MULBE`LEAVEaSILKWbWORMSbCATCHdFLOWEePLANTfGARME 1 \SPHIN]CAVE 1 [DOORS\DOOR 1 Your imagination must be working 1 You've already done that! 1 You notice a NECKLACE which must 1 You must be seeing things! 1 You have just been MUMMIFIED so 1 You have entered the byre. 1 You can't carry any more! 1 You are standing above the 1 You are now in the 1 What to do now? 1 Try something else 1 This is the very depressing 1 This is the 1 This is much more like a 1 This burial chamber 1 This appears to be an Ante- 1 There's a naked MUMMY on it! 1 That won't do any good! 1 TICKLE ANUBIS 1 THOTH. ""I'm getting rather 1 THOTH THE EGYPTIAN SUN GOD. 1 THERE IS NO WAY OUT 1 Start tape, then press any key. 1 Sorry! No can do! 1 She says, ""Vandals desecrated 1 SCARLET ROOM 1 RCEILISJEWELTSKELEUHANGIVCONCUWAPARTXTABLEYDRESSYANUBIZHALL 1 Pure white! 1 OVELVEPSYMBOQGOLD 1 Nothing happens! 1 NOT a pretty sight! 1 NORTH$SOUTH%EAST 1 Looks quite contented now. 1 In this burial chamber there 1 IGARDEJGLOW 1 I'm afraid this is asp time 1 He says, ""Vandals desecrated 1 Funeral Parlour. It has the 1 For SAVE to bank press B or any 1 For LOAD from bank press B or 1 FCASESGPATIOHPOOL 1 ETCHImLIQUInFLUIDnHELLOoERNIEpBUSH 1 EERIE, EERIE GLOW. 1 Do you want to try again? (Y/N) 1 DEM BONES, DEM DRY BONES 1 Could you please help me by 1 Check your Inventory! 1 CPLINTDBOX 1 CORRI+ALCOV,MUMMY-MALE 1 COMPLETELY NAKED! 1 COMPLETELY NAKED 1 But you drop it! 1 As you reach out for it you are 1 Apologies from authors! 1 Apartments. The decorations 1 A faint smell of perfume is 1 A beautiful 1 >CARPE?TEMPL@HAYSTAPILE 1 ;SIGNS<WALLS=WALL 1 6CORNE7PENTA8STONE8SOOTH9ROOM 1 4SPIDE5WEB 1 1CHAMB2MARBL3BAT 1 .you have no ROD!": 1 .to find you are WHERE?": 1 .position SAVED 1 .cheeky!": 1 .FEMAL/SLAB 1 .BREAK/SMASH/LISTE0SAY 1 .(Think!)": 1 .""They lead DOWN!""": 1 -he hates it!""": 1 , chuckles and splutters": 1 , carved from sandstone 1 *TICKL+FEED 1 ** peacock blue 1 * You are now inside the MUMMY ** CASE with the MUMMY! It is ** quite dim in here but you ** can just see a CATCH with a ** gold slot in it. You can also** feel the MUMMY'S breath on ** your cheek! 1 * You have with you: 1 * Some very fine THREAD 1 * Some funeral FOOD 1 * Some exotic PERFUME 1 * Some adorning KOHL 1 * Shaped pieces of gold CLOTH * 1 * Cleopatra's NEEDLE 1 * CLOTH of gold 1 * An ornate NECKLACE 1 * An old white SHROUD 1 * An old scroll of RUNES 1 * A wicker BASKET 1 * A threaded NEEDLE 1 * A snake-shaped CHARM 1 * A small golden KEY 1 * A silver JUG 1 * A short golden ROD 1 * A shiny, gold COIN 1 * A rather funny JOKE 1 * A quantity of BANDAGES 1 * A piece of FLUFF 1 * A pair of gold SCISSORS 1 * A navel-shaped RUBY 1 * A nasty-looking SNAKE 1 * A musical PIPE 1 * A handful of HAY 1 * A gorgeous RAIMENT 1 * A gold TOKEN 1 * A dead, dead FLY 1 * A bronze-coloured TOKEN 1 * A JUG of embalming fluid * 1 * A BRACELET of red gold 1 * A BASKET with a snake in it * 1 (o+no)=m)) 1 (no<(MOB+j) 1 (PRHY+t),hz 1 (PRHY+ad),n: 1 (PRHY+ad),hy: 1 (PRHY+ac),hx: 1 (PRHY+ac),g: 1 (INSER)USE 1 '';"You look up to see several largeboulders just about to fall on you..." 1 ''';" You opened it didn't you!" 1 "CLIMB#DESCE$PULL 1 "64115",no 1 "21";" You are in the exotic 1 ""Welcome to my tomb"", says 1 ""Now, where's my gift"" shouts 1 your last chance. There's no 1 you with brown lanquid eyes. 1 you that I am not completely 1 whole room is illuminated 1 which you may 1 where the walls are hung with 1 wander these corridors for 1 very long time. 1 vandals. Also, there is a 1 uncared-for appearance of 1 to the east."; 1 to go home! Well if you bring 1 thunders THOTH. ""Well that's 1 though it was the work of 1 there is a spider busily 1 there is a part finished web 1 the room stands a carved box 1 the most wonderful jewellery. 1 the Concubine's Apartments. 1 symbols have been etched out 1 stretching to the west as far 1 stones. The signs of the 1 spinning a web in a corner. 1 some bygone ruler or GOD. 1 snakes are slithering up it. 1 snake-pit. Below, snakes of 1 see two dimly lit alcoves to 1 sacred cow sleeps. There is 1 replacing my 1 pool which is gleaming with 1 plain burial chamber. Lying 1 pit to your feet. Several 1 paintings of Egyptian figures 1 ornamental garden. 1 on the floor is an apparently 1 on his nose! 1 on a marble slab, and he is 1 not having been used for a 1 north lies an exotic garden. 1 my tomb and left me like this 1 me a gift worthy of a GOD, I 1 may regret it!"" 1 magic about this place. 1 lying on the floor. 1 lying on a marble slab, and 1 long corridor with flickering 1 lights from unseen torches. 1 is now EMPTY 1 is completely painted in 1 is a male MUMMY--he is lying 1 is a female MUMMY--she is 1 in your own home! 1 in the main!": 1 in the air. There is a patio 1 in one corner. 1 impatient! 1 go to bed": 1 fuzzy...": 1 forgotten MUMMY CASE. 1 ever and a day and longer!"" 1 escape now. I banish you to 1 entrance hall in front of a 1 east end. It is quiet here! 1 down from here 1 decorated with beautiful 1 consist of rich hangings in 1 burning inside a pentacle of 1 be heard in here. 1 bat is hovering about 1 audience is at an end."" 1 at the far end of the room. 1 as the eye can see. You can 1 as she happily chews the cud. 1 all shapes and sizes writhe 1 again without my gift or you 1 adorn a long...." 1 a scent of sweet hay in here 1 Zodiac adorn the walls. 1 You enter a five-sided room. 1 You are on the patio outside 1 You are in the Concubine's 1 You are in an EGYPTIAN TOMB. 1 You are in a small, extremely 1 You are in a high chamber, 1 You are in a dusky alcove. A 1 What's that noise?" 1 This is the east end of a 1 This is the Treasure Room. In 1 This is obviously where the 1 This burial chamber 1 There is a soothsayer sitting 1 There is a mysterious fire 1 There is a long dark corridor 1 There is a distinct air of 1 The silence here is deafening 1 The sacred cow gazes at you 1 THOTH, ""I suppose you'd like 1 Persian carpet looking at 1 One case is open and seems 1 On a plinth in the middle of 1 Nothing at all 1 It is the burial place of 1 In this burial chamber there 1 Here you can see: 1 Here there is an ornamental 1 Funeral Parlour. The faint 1 Egyptian Concubine is sitting 1 Do not return 1 Could you please help me by 1 Chamber attached to the 1 Can you now find your way home? 1 At the far end of the room, 1 A tall anubis stands in the 1 A sacred cow is sitting on a 1 You have entered a TEMPLE. 1 No SAVE has been performed so 1 Insert DATA tape, press PLAY 1 AND TIGHTLY CLOSES THE CASE! 1 A flight of stairs leads 1 ""YOU AGAIN! And no gift!"" 1 This is the west end of 1 There is a MUMMY inside it! 1 there is no DATA to LOAD! 1 then press any key.... 1 a long dark corridor. 1 THAT is embalming fluid! 1 He pulls you in`with him!